Rachel and Craig, 47
"[Mitch] has given us fundamental principles to apply to exercise and movement, and he has taught us soft tissue techniques that we in turn have passed on to our 2 daughters."
"Working with Dr. Mitch Rostad has been life changing for me and my wife, Rachel. For the past 10 years, Rachel has suffered from increasing lower back pain, and in the last 5 years, it has become a constant, debilitating condition. It would take her 5-10 minutes to get out of bed in the morning and it was continuing to worsen over time. Her general physician at Kaiser attributed her condition to arthritis and her age and she was assigned a few physical therapy sessions, which provided her with some basic stretches and mobility exercises. They did nothing to relieve her lower back pain.
I was having problems of my own with my shoulders, which I believed had deteriorated through 10 years of Jiu Jitsu training. My shoulder mobility was worsening at an alarming rate, and I feared that my days of training would be coming to an end in order to preserve what mobility remained. I had recently stopped playing catch with my kids because throwing a football over 20 feet was painful and felt like it made my shoulder worse. However, my shoulder problems seemed minuscule compared to my wife’s situation.
In passing, I had spoken to a number of training partners at the Jiu Jitsu academy that I train at, who told me about the work they had been doing with Dr. Mitch Rostad, and more importantly, the amazing results they had experienced, and they recommended that I check it out. I put it off for months because of our financial obligations at the time, and I was reluctant to believe that anyone could really help our age-related conditions. But after seeing the difficulty my wife had one morning getting out of bed, I realized that we had to explore every option available to make her situation easier. So we arranged a phone meeting with Dr. Rostad.
Our first conversation with Dr. Rostad was comfortable and easy, and he preferred to just be called "Mitch". But we were still very reluctant to believe his assertion that our problems could be significantly improved during the course of one session, especially after having such poor results with our healthcare professionals at Kaiser over the years. We set up our first meeting with Mitch and to our amazement we did in fact see immediate results! Mitch took us through several points of soft tissue work, and provided detailed explanations about the causes of our discomfort and a comprehensive approach to improving our mobility, quality of life, and overall health. Rachel felt much better within minutes, and rolled out of bed the next morning with ease. It was truly amazing.
Mitch can provide clients with a thorough understanding of what causes tightness, tension, injury, and discomfort. He strives to give us tools for self-diagnosis and dealing with problems as they arise with mobility or overall health. This is what is covered throughout the 8 week program - establishing a picture of one’s overall health and mobility issues, plus a customized program to fit the individual’s lifestyle, goals, limitations and schedule. Mitch has given us detailed guidance about health and nutrition plus affordable recommendations for supplements, meals and exercise equipment. This stuff works. It does take some commitment and learning, but Mitch is dedicated to finding solutions that suit each individual.
I would like to share more about Mitch; he was 100% committed to the improvement of our lives and physical limitations. he was available around the clock for our questions or injuries; I sprained my ankle while training jiu jitsu, and he would check on it regularly. He was genuinely concerned about relieving us of our longtime suffering, and I see him helping others at my Jiu Jitsu academy, people who are just in need of medical attention or pain relief. He was patient with our failure to complete some assignments, and instead of reprimanding us, he would seek a better solution to address our schedule or situation moving forward. He is flexible and inquisitive and committed to expanding his knowledge for improving the mind and body. He’s passionate about this stuff for sure, and I believe that is what makes him so good at what he does. I train regularly at the gym that he works out of, and I see him pushing himself everyday in order to practice what he preaches and further his mission and craft.
The 8 week treatment program does require a commitment of time and money, but it is unequivocally worth every cent, and I wish I could convey to people how much better their health, fitness and quality of life could be improved by making that investment. Without exaggeration, working with Dr. Mitch Rostad has been life-changing for the both of us. My wife’s lower back pain has been dialed back by a decade, and with consistent work, she is able to manage discomfort as it arises. Our middle-aged bodies require consistent maintenance, and Mitch has provided us with a customized program to protect our bodies against further deterioration. He has given us fundamental principles to apply to exercise and movement, and he has taught us soft tissue techniques that we in turn have passed on to our 2 daughters. Our older daughter was able set a personal best in power lifting the same day that she incorporated the soft-tissue work. Our younger daughter has been able to significantly relieve tension and inflexibility in her shoulders, which has accumulated through years of hard Jiu Jitsu training. As for myself, it turns out that my shoulders aren’t actually worn out, they just require consistent maintenance in order to pursue ongoing Jiu Jitsu training. I’ve been able to double my training hours, and I feel much better on my rest days, and I feel confident about challenging physical activities that arise, and that peace of mind is priceless."